
Chemical Composition of Paneer

Paneer is made without starter culture or rennet and results from the acid precipitation of milk at high temperatures. The phenomenon of coagulation involves the formation of large structural aggregates of proteins in which milk fat and other colloidal and soluble solids are entrained with whey. Good quality paneer is characterized by a typical mild acidic flavour with a slightly sweet taste. It has a firm, cohesive and spongy body and a closely knit, smooth texture. Paneer is a highly nutritious and wholesome food. It is a rich source of milk protein and milk fat and is one of the best methods of conserving milk solids in highly concentrated form. Paneer is used as a base material for the preparation of large number of culinary dishes. Paneer contains on an average approximately 54.0 per cent moisture 27% milk fat, 17.5 per cent protiens, 1.5 per cent minerals and lactose.

The chemical composition of paneer depends mainly on the type of milk, composition of milk, the conditions of coagulation, the technique of straining/ pressing and the losses of milk solids in the whey. An average chemical composition of paneer is given in Table.
Typical chemical composition of paneer
Typical chemical composition of paneer

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