
Layout of Reception Dock and Equipment

i. Important Considerations

 Layout at the reception dock and equipment placement is done for obtaining the maximum efficiency at the minimum cost.

Health regulations: Local health authorities requirements must be met. It is absolutely necessary to consult the health authorities while the drawings are in preliminary form and to get formal written approval before construction is started.

Volume of milk: The reception platform should be large to accommodate necessary number of milk can lorries and road/rail tankers to be unloaded at a time. The seasonal variation in milk availability should also be taken into account.

Methods of delivery of milk: Whether milk is being delivered by individual producers, route hauler, tank truck, tank car, tanker or any combination of these,layout of platform and equipment should take care of. A good layout of conveyors at the reception dock contributes much to efficiency. To unload trucks without delay, the trucker should be able to discharge all of his cans at the intake point before moving to the next position to pick up his empties. To avoid the need of a man to take empties from the discharge conveyor, the combined capacity of the intake conveyor, the washer, and the discharge conveyor should be sufficient to hold all the cans from the largest route.

Floor space: Adequate space and equipment must be provided for proper inspection of milk and for handling cans containing rejected milk until they can be tagged and reloaded on the hauler’s truck for return to the producers. Location of equipment either too close to each other or nearer to walls or ceiling should be avoided.Sufficient space be provided for conveying incoming and outgoing cans, weighing,sampling and dumping of milk. Emptied cans and lids should be properly washed and returned to the trucker Location of driveways and vehicle yards: Streets, driveways and yards for the vehicles must be located suitably in relation to the receiving dock.

Elevation of dock: The level of the truck and receiving platform should be the same.


ii. Equipment and Devices at Reception Dock

The layout of equipment must provide the most economical use of available floor space. The equipment are so arranged as to obtain the maximum processing volume per man-hour. Provision for future revisions or expansion, which will involve a minimum change and expense, must also be made. These plans must comply with the building and health regulations of the particular area. The possible equipment and devices required on a dairy reception dock have been listed in Table.
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant
Equipment & Devices at Milk Reception Dock of a Dairy Plant

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