
Principle and Method of Manufacture

Ice cream is one of the most popular frozen dairy products. The methods of production vary according to the type and volume of production. The methods of manufacture may be grouped as (a) Home production (b) Small- scale production and (c) Large scale manufacture. When ice cream is prepared at home, the mix
generally consists of milk, cream sugar, egg and corn flour. It is usually made in small quantities for early domestic consumption only. Many types of home freezers are now available in the market for ice cream preparation. Since only small quantities are prepared for early consumption, the control of home- made ice cream is relatively 20 unimportant. Small producers of ice cream use whole, skimmed or condensed milk, milk powder, sugar, egg and stabilizers for the manufacture of ice cream. Majority of the small-scale producers of ice cream are ignorant of basic and simple methods of hygienic production of ice cream. Consequently, the ice cream manufactured by them is invariably contaminated with disease producing microorganisms. Consumption of such contaminated product may lead to many types of diseases. Children,
especially, are more vulnerable. If proper care and control are maintained at production level, good quality ice cream can be manufactured. When large quantities of ice cream are to be made, manufacturing methods are more controlled and hygienic. Ice cream is now being scientifically prepared under strict hygienic condition in organized dairy sector. Ice cream being a formulated food, it is necessary to select the required ingredients in proper amount so that the desired flavour, body and texture characteristics are obtained in the ice cream. Whatever ingredients are used in the manufacture of ice cream, they should be of very high quality.

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