
Care and Maintenance of Steam Lines

It is often assumed that piping system, once installed and connected never requires much attention there after. This is not so. It must be noted that pipe line system comprises of several component/parts, such as regulating valves, pressure gauges,expansion bends and joints, steam traps, steam strainers, etc. All of them are essential for proper functioning, efficient performance and safety of the plant.Without timely inspection and proper maintenance their performance and useful life are decreased. Therefore, while attending to the maintenance of pipelines due care must be given to all these component/parts of the system. An overall care and maintenance programme for pipelines must include the following points:

i) Drain all condensate pockets by ensuring there are no pipe sag and all the steam traps are working properly. Check the system to make sure that low points are raised. Sags caused by misalignment can be rectified by support adjustment.

ii) Attend to the cause of water hammer immediately. Inspect the pipe guides and anchor points for damage, if any.

iii) Check each hanger or other support of pipeline to ensure that it carries its share of load. Inspect that the anchors are holding and showing no signs of breaking or slipping.

iv) Supports for a horizontal pipe, far from an anchor point must allow ample slide or swing in the direction of the pipe expansion, which arises due to heat of steam inside the pipe.

v) Do not force flanges into the pipeline. It may lead to poor alignment. A poor alignment would result in leakage at pipeline joints, steam traps, steam strainer, steam valves and gauges.

vi) General routine inspection should be made to discover leaks and signs of corrosion and weakness.

vii) Steam traps should be tested on a regular schedule basis. They should be opened at least twice a year, cleaned thoroughly and if any valve or seat is found worn out it should be immediately replaced.

viii) Check that the pipeline insulation is securely bound to the pipe and the joints are closely fitted. Ensure the intactness of water proofing on the outdoor pipelines.

ix) Steam pressure gauges should be routinely tested for their accuracy, properly serviced and calibrated.

x) Maintain compete drawings of the pipeline system. All changes and corresponding dates should be indicated. Record the date of installation on all the piping elements. This will help in organizing a care and maintenance procedure.

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