
Dairy Building Sanitation

A clean and well maintained dairy building and its surrounding promotes cleanliness habit amongst labour force and quality of its products. It automatically gives positive publicity and awareness to public for quality of products. A clean surrounding gives a sense of pride. A regular inspection by a team of decision makers helps in identifying the areas that need attention. It includes plant surrounding (Land Scape),condition of building, equipment and machinery, storage and warehousing, lighting,services/drains, hygiene of employees, toilets, dressing rooms, canteen, drinking water zone, insects/rodent infestation etc.

There are some indicators for clean and efficient dairy plant. These will reflect how good a plant is:
  • Toilets and workers amenity rooms are the first in the list. A neat and clean, well ventilated, odourless toilets indicate the level of sanitary practices in the plant. Workers dressing room be well lighted, and should have enough space.
  • Floors should be clean, shiny and throwing of trash behind doors or under the benches should be discouraged.
  •  Building premises should not harbour broken or discarded equipment/furniture.
  • Trash and rubbish should not be thrown around that creates breeding ground for insects and rodents.
  •  Wall, floor and ceiling should remain clean, dry and well painted. In the dairy,light colour paints are used for walls and ceiling to reflect dirt or deposit for immediate attention. There should be proper lighting and water or dirt should not be accumulated at any point on the floor. Insects and flies should be adequately prevented entering in the milk-processing zone. Doors and window should have
  • wire mesh covers and even air curtains should be provided. These air curtains produce thin layer of high-speed air to prevent entry of flies.
  •  Mould control is also important since the dairy plant uses lot of water, hence,more humidity causing moist environment. This is conducive to mould growth. To prevent this, all exposed surfaces should be kept dry. These are brushed, cleaned with soft detergent and a spray of 5000 ppm of sodium hypochloride is done. This destroys the mould spores. Further spray of quarternary ammonium compound is done to inhibit mould growth. This should be repeated every week.
  •  Insect and rodent control in general should be practiced. There should be no accumulation of dirt/ filth inside as well as outside. The garbage and wastes act as breeding place of insects. Good insecticide spray can be performed around the drains of dairy plant. For outdoor spray, Methoxychlor, Malathion or permitted insecticide with recommended strength could be used. All equipment is covered to avoid entry of these insects and pest. Rat proof building designs are made. Building openings are plugged. Height of the floor and steps are made such that rats cannot jump or climb. If at all, the rats find entry, they should be eliminated

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